Premenstrual Menopausal Solutions


Natural Progesterone Cream is the convenient and safe way to easily treat premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopause, and osteoporosis.  Most people (including many doctors) have only a basic understanding of what hormones are and how they affect our bodies.  The latest medical research shows that many of the afflictions that women take in stride as being "normal for women" are actually the result of hormone imbalances that can be easily and safely corrected.  Welcome to the 21st Century!

Most people know about estrogen and testosterone (the female and male hormones), but what most people don't know about is progesterone.  Progesterone is a crucially important hormone produced by the adrenal gland that acts as a "regulator" for the other hormones in our body -- kind like of a thermostat that keeps your body's various hormone levels perfectly adjusted.  Most of the symptoms that women face during PMS or menopause are the result of either too much estrogen or not enough, and this is controlled by their progesterone.

Sadly, in the case of estrogen imbalance, doctors usually treat the symptoms rather then the ailment (i.e. Prozac for PMS depression, estrogen for menopausal symptoms and osteoporosis).  What is really happening in most cases is that there is a progesterone deficiency that is leading to their imbalance in estrogen.  Without the regulating effects of progesterone, estrogen levels get out of control.  Rather then trying to artificially adjust estrogen levels with pills, the smart thing to do is to correct the progesterone deficiency, and then let the estrogen problem correct itself.

Purified Water, Natural Glycerine, Stearic Acid, (Vegetable Source), d-Alpha Tocopherol (Natural Vitamin E), Avocado Oil, Natural Progesterone (1800mg usp, micronized ) Aloe Vera Oil, Rosemary extract, Vitamin A Palmitate, Carrot Oil, Lemon Grass Oil.

This Is A Top Quality Progesterone Cream

You won't find a lot of chemicals or unproven herbs in our cream.  Instead, Restored Balance Natural Progesterone Cream provides concentrated natural progesterone USP dissolved in a moisturizing cream base containing aloe vera oil.  We also test our cream regularly with an independent laboratory which allows us to maintain quality and concentrations in the very top ranges.  

Each two ounce container lasts approximately two months.  This amount is all you need to restore optimal physiological levels, and is consistent with proven guidelines.

Lab Test Results

Regardless of all the magazine articles and books and all the testimony of experts -- regardless of what is printed on a label or what a company guarantees with their own in-house laboratory, a cream not backed by an independent laboratory assay may be questionable and may not offer consistent potency and results.
Therefore, for your benefit and protection, we have submitted a sample of our Restored Balance formula to
ZRT Laboratories, an independent F.D.A registered clinical laboratory, for objective testing and evaluation of potency, activity, and consistency.
We are pleased that our Restored Balance progesterone cream was in the top range tested.

If you are experiencing:

  • Cramps
  • Migraines
  • Bloat
  • Breast Tenderness
  • Hot Flashes
  • Inability to Lose Weight
  • Lack of Energy
  • Depression
  • Mood Swings
  • Fibroid Tumors
  • Endometriosis
  • Infertility
  • Family History of Female
  • Related Cancers
  • Foggy Thinking
  • Menopause
  • Losing Height
  • Osteoporosis
  • or other symptoms, you may be experiencing a hormonal imbalance. 

Natural Progesterone Cream is a support supplement which contains the plant extract of the wild Mexican yam.  This cream formula allows the powerful active ingredients to be optimally used by the body because they flow through the skin and directly into the bloodstream, completely by passing digestion.  There is no way to overdose with this cream.  Since the body uses only what it needs to restore hormonal balance, the cream can be used by women of all ages.

Natural Progesterone Cream provides natural organic relief from:

  • PMS
  • Menopause
  • Osteoporosis
  • Estrogen Dominance

In addition, it also

  • Enhances libido
  • Improves energy, stamina, and endurance
  • Stimulates the body's own production of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and other hormones
  • Provides women with an overall feeling of well being and euphoria

Sounds too good to be true?  Well that's exactly what I thought when I first found out about this remarkable product.  But after reviewing the medical research that's been done and seeing the incredible results achieved by thousands of users worldwide, I am totally convinced that once you try this cream, you'll never want to be without it.  

The question is, are you curious enough to investigate the possibilities?  This site has a lot of great information to help you understand what hormonal imbalance is, the symptoms associated with it, and how Natural Progesterone Cream can help you to safely and easily correct the problem.  I hope you'll take advantage of this wealth of information, and read through the various pages here.  

There's an old saying, "Knowledge is power", and nothing could be more true when it comes to  your health.   With the knowledge we share with you here, you'll find the power to break the shackles of PMS, menopause, and osteoporosis forever.

About Natural Progesterone:

In 1936, Japanese scientists discovered that a species of wild yam (Dioscorea villosa -mexicana) growing in the south of Mexico contained a sterol called diosgenin which is remarkably similar to progesterone. Wild yam contains a "bank" of important precursors which could be used by the human body to biochemically synthesize DHEA, progesterone, and other hormones nearly identical to that produced by the adrenal gland. In 1943, Professor Russell Marker discovered how to synthesize diosgenin from the wild yam into progesterone.
For a number of years following this discovery, wild Mexican yam was a primary source for the production of progesterone and other hormones. Until recently, wild yam (not to be confused with the sweet potato yam) was the sole source of the diosgenin used in making contraceptive pills. According to herbalist Rosemary Gladstar in her book, Herbal Healing For Women (Simon& Schuster, 1993), wild yam is the most widely used herb in the world today, with over 200 million prescriptions sold each year that contain its derivatives.

Natural Vs. Synthetic:

Surprisingly, there is a big difference between synthetic and natural progesterone.  Natural progesterone is not the same as synthetic forms called, "progestins", "progestagens", or chemically altered progesterone.   Natural progesterone is made from plants, not chemicals or drugs.  Let's read what the experts say.


Perhaps the most devastating side effect of menopause is loss of bone density.  Hormonal changes after menopause accelerate bone loss in women so that by the age of 60, one in four women have osteoporosis severe enough to cause dowager's hump, bone pain, loss of height, spinal deformity, and spontaneous fractures.

Dr. David Williams, M.D., writing in the Fall, 1995 issue of Alternatives, says, "Osteoporosis is far more then a mere inconvenience. Each year it is responsible for over 1.3 million fractures in men and women over the age of 45. Worse yet, 40,000 osteoporosis victims annually die within six months of their fractures and 50% who experience hip fractures due to osteoporosis never regain the ability to walk independently."
Dr. Williams also states, "The continuous use of estrogen greatly increases the risk of cancer. Furthermore, estrogen can cause diabetes, high blood pressure, and abnormal blood clotting. Even if it were totally safe, estrogen does nothing to replace bone cells that have already been lost. At best, it can only prevent additional bone loss."
"Since 1949, science has known how to extract from the wild Mexican yam, several completely natural compounds that act as hormones. More importantly, these compounds halt osteoporosis in it's tracks. And unlike estrogen, they actually reverse the progress of the disease and restore bone density -- and there are no dangerous side effects."
Dr. Williams notes in clinical tests on over 100 osteoporosis victims ranging in age from 38 to 83, the Mexican yam restored bone densities to the levels of a healthy 35 year old. He also stated that he verified the effectiveness of this all natural remedy, located a source for the product, and released the information to the public through a recent issue of the publication, Alternatives.

Progesterone, used in hormone replacement therapy, is an essential supplement which restores osteoblast function. Dr. John Lee reported a 5% to 10% increase in bone mineral density in one year using a natural progesterone cream for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis.
To establish health bones, apply 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of Natural Progesterone Cream once each day.

The Following is Courtesy of John R.Lee, M.D. Medical Letter

Beware the Endless Search for Designer Estrogen

These drugs do not improve on Mother Nature, yet a barrage of advertising claims that new synthetic estrogens will save women from a host of diseases and aging. Don't believe it.
Every time a new hormone replacement product comes out - or is about to be released - drug company sales reps descend on physicians' offices. This one-on-one sales push, coupled with glossy full-color ads in medical journals, used to be the extent of how drugs were advertised. But now drug companies can go straight to the consumer, and they have poured billions of dollars into doing this. I'm sure you've noticed how new drugs are given wide coverage in magazines and newspapers, and on television shows such as the Today Show, Dateline and 20/20 and even on the TV news. They also show up in brochures and pamphlets left in your doctor's office. The information is slick, glib and reassuring - and essentially meaningless to a woman looking for real information with which to make important healthcare decisions. Meanwhile, the real dangers and side effects of these new drugs often do not become known until after hundreds of thousands of innocent patients have suffered through them, sometimes with disastrous (or fatal) results.
A Premarin Wannabe Changes Horses

One of the latest new hormone replacement drugs to be released is a Premarin wannabe called Cenestin. This is a mix of estrogens - mostly estrone and equilin (horse estrogen) synthesized in the laboratory from plant sources. (Yes, it is possible to duplicate horse estrogen in the laboratory from plant sources.) The manufacturer originally asked the FDA to classify Cenestin as a generic version of Premarin. The FDA refused because Cenestin is not made from pregnant mare's urine as Premarin is, and thus does not have the other 98 out of 100 active ingredients found in Premarin, which includes a wide range of steroid hormones and their derivatives, including a small amount of progesterone.
As a result, the maker of Cenestin changed its tactics and is now advertising it as a plant-derived conjugated natural estrogen in hopes of tapping into the large market of women who are turned off by the thought of innocent mares and foals suffering so that Premarin can be made. The bottom line is that because Cenestin contains horse estrogen, it is not natural to humans. There is no reason to use it when completely plant-based natural estrogens identical to those made in human body are easily available.
Like Designer Jeans, Designer Estrogens are a Fad

Now let's talk about the popular drug company practice of rearranging estrogen molecules to produce molecules that are not found in nature, but which can be patented. The media is full of stories about these so-called designer estrogens, touting the anticipated benefits of synthetic estrogen mimics that supposedly provide estrogen benefits without undesirable side effects. These estrogen mimics are collectively called SERMs, or selective estrogen receptor modulators. In previous issues of the Medical Letter I have discussed the claims of two such SERMs, tamoxifen and raloxifene, and pointed out their true risks versus their limited benefits.
More of these drugs are on the way. This is because conventional medicine suffers from a confused notion that the symptoms of estrogen dominance are best treated by prescription drugs, rather than by learning how Mother Nature provides estrogen benefits without its dangerous side effects.
Mother Nature's Designer Estrogens are the Best

First we need to recognize that the word estrogen is generally misused. It is not the name of a specific hormone but is a generic or collective term for a host of compounds with estrogenic effects that include breast cell growth, build-up of blood-rich endometrium (uterine lining), inhibition of bone loss, and possible heart benefits. The undesired effects of this family of compounds are water retention, fat deposition, weight gain, gall bladder disease, fibrocystic breasts, growth of uterine fibroids, stroke, and cancer of the breast, ovary, and endometrium (uterus). Normally the body makes estrone, estradiol, estriol, and a variety of lesser estrogens. These various estrogens all differ in their metabolic effects. 
As we now know, estrogens (and other hormones) work by binding to tissue receptors to convey their effects. We also know that there are several types of estrogen receptors (ERs) throughout the body. One, called ER-alpha, is common in the pituitary gland, uterus, testes, kidney, and adrenal glands. A second, called ER-beta, is found in the ovary, testes, prostate, and thymus gland. Both receptors are found in bone, breast, and brain. It would not be surprising if other ERs are found in the future. It is suspected that different estrogens bind to different receptors. In this way, natural estrogens act like the synthetic SERMs, by selectively affecting the responsiveness of different estrogen receptors.

Different Estrogens Convey Different Effects

It is well-known that the various natural estrogens convey different metabolic effects. Estradiol, for example, is the estrogen that is most potent in preventing bone loss, and in causing the proliferation of breast cells and endometrial cells. Estriol, on the other hand, has little effect on breast cells or bone but is the most potent estrogen for softening the cervix prior to delivery and preventing vaginal dryness or mucosal atrophy. Estradiol is suspected of being carcinogenic, while estriol conveys no risk of breast cancer and may, in fact, prevent cancer.
The big question is this: Why is it that many women whose bodies produce plenty of estrogen do not suffer from estrogen side effects? The answer is that estrogen does not work in a vacuum; it works in conjunction with other hormone modulators also produced by the body, such as progesterone. Progesterone protects against estrogen-induced endometrial cancer, and estrogen-induced breast cell proliferation, breast fibrocysts, and breast cancer. In fact, it protects against all estrogen-induced side effects. Synthetic progestins (e.g. Provera and birth control pills), while they are protective against estrogen-induced endometrial cell proliferation, have little or no effect on other estrogen side effects, and may actually increase the risk of breast cancer.

How Mother Nature Keeps Estrogen Effects in Check

Normally, the body makes both estrogen and progesterone. They work as a team. In fact, cells need estrogen to make progesterone receptors (PRs), while progesterone helps maintain the normal sensitivity of estrogen receptors (ER s). The net effect is to maximize their individual benefits and protect against estrogen-induced side effects.
A relative deficiency of progesterone increases the risk of estrogen-induced side effects. For example, conventional medicine accepts the importance of progesterone in preventing endometrial cancer, but ignores progesterone's benefit in counteracting the rest of estrogen's undesirable side effects.
It is possible to maximize estrogen's multiple benefits while avoiding its dangerous side effects if we learn to balance estrogen with progesterone. As a result, there is no reason to spend millions of dollars - as pharmaceutical companies do - in an ultimately futile attempt to find a safe and effective synthetic estrogen, when all one has to do is follow Mother Nature's clear solution to the problem.
Nevertheless, the drug companies persist in shuffling molecules to develop new (and never truly safe) synthetic estrogen after another, so we must ask, "Why is progesterone ignored, and what drives this present research?" Is it simply a mad hubris, a need to override natural solutions in favor of a manmade drug? No, it is nothing so poetic. As in so many other cases, market forces are at work.

Follow the Money Trail

Natural hormones cannot be patented, and therefore cannot become the exclusive products of one drug company. This means their profitability is extremely limited, and consequently they are ignored by research efforts underwritten by the pharmaceutical companies. Experts have predicted that if if can even be accomplished it will take 20 years of extensive and very expensive research to create and study a drug that offers sufficient estrogen benefits without excessive side effects.
Given the potentially lucrative pay-off if such a drug can be found, money will continue to pour into the efforts to find that magical "safe" synthetic estrogen, sustaining research jobs for many people.
Until that mythical drug is found - and it probably never will be - the drug companies will surely continue to pursue it, and to try to sell you the products it develops.
I advise you to keep in mind that your body's biology has been designed to achieve its healthy hormone function through balance between estrogen and progesterone. Using natural hormones in doses that closely mimic what the body would naturally make is the most effective and safest solution to problems of hormonal imbalance.